Wednesday, May 1, 2013

The Affliction

My parents did a pretty good job of passing on traits to me. There are definitely some things that they have given me that aren't so great, like my awful eyesight and stubbornly crooked teeth, but also I'm so glad that they gave me my blue eyes and my height and other good things. 

The trait that I am least thankful for is the fact that I hate coffee. 

And it's like I can't even help it! If I drink it I start to shudder, to cringe at the touch of this weird dark liquid to my tongue. It's an affliction.

You see, my lifestyle is one that requires coffee. I sleep a very small amount and I do a lot of activities while awake, some academic but others not so much. I'm not saying this to complain, but just to prove my point. I get up early most mornings for class or work and I go go go all day and then I stay up late to do my homework and I'm fine with that. I love being up late at night. It's so calming to see that the world is putting its feet up and relaxing and I don't feel any rush. I know I have things to do but the night tells me that I have plenty of time. And that is why I go to bed so late. I honestly don't want to, I just know that I need to. 

I had been pretty okay with not drinking coffee until now, but last week there was a day when I needed it more than ever before. Physically needed it, like I honestly could not stay awake without it. I was falling asleep while playing solitaire at work. I was moving my hand and engaging my brain and still I could not stay awake. It was pretty rough. So I got some coffee and that made me feel a little more awake.

When I was younger and I told my parents that I didn't like coffee, they told me that when I got to college I would. I would just drink it so much that I would learn to like it, and I never really believed them. And then most people I knew who, like me, didn't like coffee, liked the smell of it but didn't like drinking it. But I didn't like coffee one little bit. 

Once, when I was babysitting for a family who will remain unnamed, I was snooping in the freezer for delicious goodies when I found some frozen chocolate stuff, so I put it into my mouth, and it was frozen chocolate covered coffee beans. And it was real nasty. And then it happened again a couple of months later at another family's house. I need to start smelling mysterious food before I eat it because then maybe I wouldn't keep accidentally eating coffee beans. 

But the point is, I was repulsed both of those times. I hate it a lot. I don't like to use the word hate, but that's just how I feel. Coffee's never done anything to me, so I feel bad being so mean to it, but I just don't like having it in my mouth because it tastes so bad. 

But now, the tables have turned. I've had a change of heart. There is no hot tea or soda with enough caffeine to work on me. I decided I'm going to condition myself to like coffee. Congratulations, cruel world, I'm changing my stance. It's just that the life I lead absolutely demands that I partake of this liquid caffeine. 

I'll keep you posted on how it works out.

PS - I do sleep some, don't worry. My immune system is running strong and it's almost summer so I'm about to catch up on sleep! 



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