Saturday, August 17, 2013


About a year ago, I was moving in to college for the first time. I was super nervous and I didn't start packing until the night before (bad decision). And now I have an apartment (by the way, moving in to my apartment really makes me question my materialism) and my own room and a car and I know where most of the buildings are on campus and I just in general know what I'm doing a little bit more than I did when I came to school. It's crazy. College grew me so much. Actually, I think I blossomed last year. 

You know those obnoxious rebellious teenagers who do really dumb and exasperating stuff because they feel "different"? I never felt like one of those people. I always felt completely normal. I sometimes felt so normal that I wondered if I actually had a personality. But then when I got to college, something clicked or flipped or something, and I realized that I am different. In a good way. Isn't that so weird and cool? Also it turns out that I do have a personality. Whew! Thank goodness. 

Today, there are freshmen in colleges all over everywhere who are lifting heavy things and fighting with their parents and can't wait to be all moved in so their parents can go home. And then there are the freshmen who are fighting tears because they love their parents so much and don't want their parents to leave them in this strange place where the walls are cinder blocks (that was me). It's just so weird to think that just one stinkin year ago, I was there, actually very close in proximity to where I am sitting right now, moving a couch into an elevator. (Now I don't have an elevator unfortunately.)

During my first year at school, I learned so much. I learned where Kinard is, what a "Schilletter" is, how to sneak into a dorm building to visit a friend, when the best time to go to Walmart is, and the capital of Indonesia (it's Jakarta if you're wondering). And also I made a lot of friends who are super wonderful. They hug me when I'm sweaty and/or haven't showered in days, encourage me when I've done nothing good, read my blog, let me borrow their books, think I'm funny (even when I'm not trying to be), give me endless amounts of hugs, and they don't call me Laguna. Thank the Lord. 

You guys, I had the same hairbrush for eight and a half years. It died a very pitiful death just a few weeks ago. So what I'm saying is I don't like change. Not even a little bit. But going to college was a change that I was able to handle. It was definitely a little rough at first, and there were some rough spots throughout, but I think that's normal. 

I hope I don't sound like I'm super experienced now that I've been in college for a year, because I know I still have a lot to learn. Like apparently there's an iPhone app that has a map of campus? I found this out the other day. That would have been really helpful to me about a year ago had I a) had an iPhone and b) known this app existed. But it's cool. 

Also, I am so blessed. Seriously. I'm blessed to have a grandpa who lets me borrow his 1980s truck that works most of the time, and to have a dad to come rescue me when I think that truck is out of gas but actually it's not. I'm fortunate to have a mama who buys me Lucky Charms, my favorite sugar cereal ever, as an apartment-warming gift, and siblings who would rather help me move in than sit at home and watch tv. That's real love y'all. I'm so lucky to have so many lovely Camp friends, specifically the one who moved to Colorado and gave me a ton of apartment stuff. All I had to buy was a trash can. What I'm saying is, God has given me so many incredible people and opportunities in my life. And I thank Him every day for those. 

So here's to another year. A year of learning, growing, laughing, studying, eating, and maybe (hopefully) a little bit of sleeping too. 


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