Sunday, March 17, 2013

Potentially Somewhat Yucky but Still True Analogy

Moving all of my stuff from my dorm back to my house for spring break reminded me how much I shed. All over the place. There's hair on my pillow, on my desk, on all of my clothes and blankets, and alllll over the floor in both my dorm room and my room at home. I try to clean up after myself, but it's kind of like I'm Hansel or Gretel (I guess Gretel because she's the girl?) because I just leave a lovely and consistent little trail of hair everywhere I go. 

I really do honestly try to not shed hair so much. I generally try to vacuum pretty often, specifically in the places I usually stand when I brush my hair, but no matter what I do, anywhere I have been has a nice long brownish hair or two there. I know it's gross, but it's true.

So I was thinking this weekend, and I think that the way I live and reflect Jesus should be like the way I shed hair. Because it's not like when I shed hair, there is any less hair on my head. My head is continuously growing new hair so that's not a problem at all. And I brush my hair knowing that my hair is going into the hair brush and a little bit onto the floor around where I'm standing and that's a good thing. But there are also times when a strand or two of hair falls off of my head and onto a jacket or a table or somewhere and I don't even notice.

Whether I do it on purpose or not, I want to leave traces of Jesus everywhere I go. I want people to notice something peculiar after I'm gone and examine it and find His perfect love! However, His perfect love is beautiful and not yucky, and hair is. That's the only part of this analogy that doesn't line up so well. 

If this grosses you out, you probably should not have read this entire thing. And if it did, I'm very sorry. You don't have to agree with me. But hey, we all have hair. Unless you're bald. 



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